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English has played a critically important role in the globalization of non-English speaking countries for decades. English has become the most widely studied and spoken foreign language in Taiwan. In order to strengthen CHU students' English language skills to remain current with English usage, the CHU Language Center provides campus-wide English language education for them. The Language Center strives to offer students with opportunities to develop and use English in and outside of the classroom through innovative instruction, materials, tests, and various activities. Students are expected to master sufficient English skills to meet their further academic and/or workplace needs by the time they graduate.

   The CHU Language Center constructs Freshman and Sophomore English language courses by means of placement tests and instruction according to students’ proficiency levels. In addition, Language Center presents its students with a full range of learning resources for listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English through a new and revamped curriculum design. Through interactive and self-directed learning, students are guided to achieve not only the basic competencies set for each level of the curriculum, but also the ability for advanced ESP programs in the future. The Language Center emphasizes the professionalism and practicality of the curriculum and provides a diversified and quality teaching environment which breaks through time and space constraints. The Language Center also instills students’ with international perspectives, offers incentives to guide students' spontaneous learning, and maximizes international relations to enhance students' competitiveness in further education or employment.