
108學年度第一學期【When Taiwan Meets the World】報名須知

When Taiwan Meets the World

2019 Autumn Semester

English Speech Contest

for International Students at CHU

Are you feeling homesick sometimes now that you are thousands of miles away from your hometown to Chung Hua University, Taiwan?  Why not share your nostalgia about your homeland with Taiwanese friends? Share them the must-do things in your country. Any traditional food visitors must taste? Any interesting scenic spots foreigners must visit?  Any precious world heritage sites that merit every one’s admiration? Any representative museums people can enjoy your culture? Any festivals your country people must celebrate? Or anything about your country you would like share with Taiwanese people. Talking about your country and culture is the best way to beat your nostalgia, and facilitate mutual understanding with Taiwanese people.   So, come and join the 2019 Autumn Semester English Speech Contest that is particularly for International Students at CHU, non-English majors, held in Room M502, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, at 3:10 P.M. on Monday, November 18, 2019.  The registration deadline is   November 11, 2019.

(一)參賽資格(Qualifications of Participants)

International students, non-English majors

(二)報名方式(How to Register) :

(i) All contestants should register online at

  http://www.lc.chu.edu.tw/files/87-1071-1302.php?Lang=zh-tw , and

(ii) Upload a power point file with at least 6 slices.  

  (The power point file should help you prepare and deliver an effective speech.)

(iii) The maximum length of speech is 3 minutes.

(iv) The maximum number of contestants is 15.   

(三) 比賽方式(Contest Rules) :

Contestants present a 3-minute speech on any subject about his/her country and culture.

(四) 比賽日期 (Date): November, 18, 2019

(五) 比賽時間 (Time): 3:10 – 5:00

(六) 比賽地點(Place): Room 502

(七) 比賽獎金(Award): 

First place: 1,500 ;

Second place: 1,200 ;

Third place: 1,000;

Fourth place: 800 ;

Fifth place: 800

(八)The organizer(主辦單位):  Language Center, Chung Hua University

For questions on the speech contest, please call 03-5186618
